viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Terrorismo en México...

Los hechos en Monterrey del dia de ayer, nos tienen que mostrar que  con el crimen no se pacta, se le ataca y que los culpables son los criminales no las autoridades que no se venden y que los combaten...

Hasta cuando entenderemos que el enemigo NO es el gobierno federal y que el crimen organizado se esta envalentonando y ataca ya a la poblacion civil?

Comunicado de la casa blanca por lo hechos de ayer:

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the President on the Attack in Mexico

I strongly condemn the barbaric and reprehensible attack in Monterrey, Mexico yesterday. On behalf of the American people, our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families at this difficult time.
The people of Mexico and their government are engaged in a brave fight to disrupt violent transnational criminal organizations that threaten both Mexico and the United States. The United States is and will remain a partner in this fight. We share with Mexico responsibility for meeting this challenge and we are committed to continuing our unprecedented cooperation in confronting these criminal organizations.

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